1, Android 8.0? Ans: Oreo 2, Who coined the term fiber optics Ans: Narendra singh kabani 3,ID logo of blender 4, Ussage of application named FreeMind? Ans: Mind Mapping 5, Expnad .blob used in databases? Ans: Binary large object 6, Which agency controls CSS? Ans: W3C 7, Expand SaaS Ans: Software as a Service 8, Which tag is used for tracking wild animals ? Ans: RFID Tag 9, Element used in making ICs? Ans: Silicon 10, Type of computer used in Digital watches etc? Ans: Embedded Computer 11, ID Linus Torvalds 12, Junk e-mail called? Ans: Spam 13, Arranging in correct order of speed? Ans: cache memory>system m...